Monday, July 29, 2019

A finish and some more wips

Yes, I have a finish to share, plus some other projects I'm working on.

I finished the August Cottage from Country Cottage Needleworks. I trimmed it with a ruffle I made. Actually, it looks like pleats. I wanted to use a blue gingham, but after making the ruffle, it was no way, it looked to babyish and I had to find something else in my stash. Since I already had the ruffle attachment on my machine (which is another story) I was on a ruffle roll. 

I spent the afternoon trying to get my ruffle attachment to work, I mean I've done it before many, many years ago, but this is a new attachment and a very different machine. But once I got it figured out, after trial and error, it was easy. I did a lot of practicing and viewing a lot of videos, and I did it! I know it would have been a lot quicker and easier if I made the ruffle by hand, but I bought this attachment a couple of years ago and I was determined to take it out of it's package and use it for the first time.

I have been working on two other projects this month. The Red Wagon with Tree from Home for the Holidays by Sue Hillis Designs, but I stopped because it was taking me too long and I was making a lot of mistakes. I don't know why I chose to stitch on linen, it's 32 count Belfast and my first time stitching on a smaller stitch count. I'll get back to it later, but I want to get some other ones done first.

And the other one I'm working on is Witch Ride? by Barbara Ana Designs. I started this during Stitch Maynia. I was hoping I would have it done today, but I got hung up yesterday with finishing the August Cottage. I love the colors of the cup, the layers of colors looks very cool. Maybe I'll have it done tomorrow. Then I can finish Field Mouse Hollow before Halloween. I know, I have a lot of  fall and winter projects to get to, yikes!

Have a great Monday!

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I'm back cross-stitching

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