Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm still here!

Just a quick little post as to what I've been up to. With the holidays upon us, I'm back to making cards. Here are a few I made this morning, ready to send to my Mom, my Aunt Lucy and a computer generated card for my cousin Chris. I used Hallmark Card Studio, which I hardly ever, ever use, but I thought I'd give it a try again since I'm making cards. I much prefer to making my own with papers, embellishments, etc. I'll be making a few Christmas cards with photos on them for my family. I love old family photos.

Yes, that's me and my brothers on Thanksgiving Day (when we were little, of course). I think my Mom will get a kick out of this photo card. I'm so looking forward to spending time with my family on Thanksgiving. Should be really fun!

Here is some mail goodies I received recently . . . .

I ordered this adorable tumbler and bowl set a few weeks ago. I'm finally getting around to posting about it. The design is from Inside a Black Apple. My set came from, they also have some other artists' bowls and tumblers. Very cool!

and on ebay I bought this fun potholder vintage transfer set by Aunt Martha, which I'm anxious to make very soon! Arn't they cute?

Okay, enough of my chit-chat. Have a great weekend and hope to post before the end of the week.

1 comment:

antmee said...

Great cards! I can't wait to see your Xmas cards and hope you show us some soon. I need some inspiration.

I'm back cross-stitching

  Well, not yet, but real soon because my daughter found a Halloween cross-stitch booklet that I thought I lost forever. So my plans are to ...