Once upon a time I use to make cloth dolls, along with quilting, home dec, dresses for my daughter (back then), etc. I use to love to make the dolls (and a few teddy bears, too), some I gave away as gifts. After watching Emily from Inside a Black Apple on Martha Stewart, I'm inspired to make dolls again! Her little dolls are adorable! She is so awesome to share her patterns, too. I had to download the pattern and start making one for myself. As for my previous handmade dolls, they've been stored away for years, but I recently took them out of hiding and wondered what I'm going to do with them - they're pretty dated.

Another WIP - oh no, not another project!
Embroidery up date on Bunny Moon pillow - almost done, just have some background satin stitching to do and then sew and stuff.
Oh, and the Quiltin' Crusiers trip. We sort of fizzled out on that Friday and never made it down to San Diego. I wished we did, I can't remember what happened, but something sort of messed with our schedule that day and we didn't have enough time before the deadline. And then like two nuts, we forgot to turn in our stamped passports for the prize drawings! Ayyyeee!
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