Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Week

Okay, so here I am with another monthly update. I'm still working more hours, maybe by the end of the year things will slow down. We are short staffed at work, so I'm there to help out in the afternoons. This week I'm on vacation and just trying to get caught up with stuff around the house. My car is back at the dealer with more troubles, which better be fixed by the end of the day. So I have no choice to work around the house. I cleaned and waxed (polished?) the kitchen cabinets yesterday, well half of them. So I will finish them today. Wow, it looked like I re-stained them. My husband tells me "good, we don't need new cabinets". Wrong!

Great for me, I have been at the sewing machine more than usual lately. Besides some projects for work, I also made curtains for my kitchen window. Actually, I prefer to buy a roll-up shade, but the sun shines bright into my kitchen window that the little lace valance just wasn't working out. I had some fabric and rings, so I quickly whipped up a curtain which is much better than before. My kitchen window faces south which the sun can be very bright. Of course, now we have dull days, but the sun manages to shine through. Mmm, looks sort of like a shower curtain. May have to change that look somehow. It looks crooked at the bottom because it's pinned and not hemmed! I couldn't wait to see how they look. No excuse, I have to finish them today. I also have a sliding glass door and a small window in the kitchen that needs treatment and plenty of fabric.

Tomorrow we leave very early in the morning to Sacramento for Thanksgiving. Yes, that long drive up I-5 in holiday traffic! Oh well, it's something we must do to be with our family for the holiday - on my Mother's favorite day! It will be well worth it. Okay, I must get back to cleaning, sewing, packing, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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I'm back cross-stitching

  Well, not yet, but real soon because my daughter found a Halloween cross-stitch booklet that I thought I lost forever. So my plans are to ...