Not a very good morning at work today. I had the unfortunate task of writing a "blue slip" on one of our children, which is his second one within two weeks. Anyway, according to our policy the second "blue slip" is a suspension from our program for a year. As for us teachers, we are relieved. It's really hard to do our job when a child does not listen and then makes it unbearable for other children and adults who are around him. We have tried to work with him and his parents, but it's been useless. Personally, I think he would rather have Grandma watch him than come to our program before and after school. He's a clever kid.
We've been having some awesome sunrises lately, my camera doesn't seem to catch the beautiful colors. And it doesn't seem to feel like Christmas around here either, the temperature has been around 76. That's pretty warm, I didn't have to wear long sleeves or a jacket all day and I'm usually cold. Of course, when we go up NorCal for Christmas it will be a whole different story. I hear it's pretty cold up there. This picture is taken at work outside our back door.

After work, my dd and I ran a few errands and then we were off Christmas shopping. I needed to get a few things for my coworkers and then something for my mom. We ended up in Orange County, a much better place to shop than my town. I still need to shop for dd and dh, and I have to do that tomorrow and have it done! We are leaving very early Thursday morning for Sacramento, again. We are making tamales Friday night. It's a family affair so I want to be sure we arrive ahead of time and well rested to make them.
You're making tamales?!!! How cool is that?! God, that's awesome. As far as the weather, I am so so so so happy. No wonder I'm in such a good mood today! Where in Northern California? I used to live in Aptos. Worked in San Jose. Hated it up there. Sublet in SF for a couple months. Nice place to visit... Same state, different culture. As far as shopping goes, I usually ebay it anymore. May splurge and buy one of my clients a bottle of Vueve Cliquot though (Costco). Haven't decided yet. That or a subscription to Garden Compass magazine. Have to wait until Friday (payday). I made cranberry jam tonight and I think it worked. Pumpkin fudge turned out good too, but a bit too much butterscotch in it. Fun to try new things though.
Gosh, I am a day late. As I am typing you are probably on the road. Anyway, have a very Merry Christmas. I hope you get all that you wish for.
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