Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sunday Morning

Yesterday we had some of friends over for a bbq. It was small group, not like our previous gatherings. My aunt and uncle came down from LA, which can be a frustrating drive in So. Calif. Anyway, she brought me the cutest night light she made. Plus she gave me two more to give to my cousins who live near me. I asked her if she could teach me how to make them, so I'll be driving up there in a couple of weeks. I think they would make great holiday gifts and something different. She makes all kinds of beaded items and sells them at craft fairs. They are really nice. For my birthday she made me a little beaded coin purse -- so cute. She sells a lot of those.

After most of our guests left, my neighbor and his grandkids were here swimming. It was sort of a cool evening, but the water was warm, so I swam for a little bit. I thought I'd better work off some of the food I ate. I was pleased this morning when I jumped on the scale and it stayed the same. I am so relieved. This summer is taking a toll on my body and not going to the gym like I usually do is not helping matters. So after Labor Day, I am back on track, watch what I eat and get more exercise. I thought I was doing that, but my body is telling me differently.

Today is a lazy day. We'll be going to backyard party later today. Other than that I just want to stay home and stitch again. Although my dd is wanting me to take her to the mall, so I may have to squeeze that in. She'll be going back to school on Tuesday and wants to leave today.

Oh, I almost forgot! I received two more patterns from ebay auctions. One is a vintage apron pattern and the other is a Vogart transfer pattern, "Dutch Treat". I am falling in love with vintage embroidery. I've always liked them, whenever my cousin Chris and I go "antique shopping", I always head straight for the linens with embroidery on them. I bought a few, but I want to make my own. I was excited when I opened the envelope and there were other transfers enclosed, some that I have been wanting.

Take care and have great weekend!

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I'm back cross-stitching

  Well, not yet, but real soon because my daughter found a Halloween cross-stitch booklet that I thought I lost forever. So my plans are to ...