Sunday, September 02, 2012

September, National Sewing Month

Yesterday, without even realizing that it's National Sewing Month, I sewed!! I started with a little bit of embroidery of a simple project I started months ago! I really need to stay focused, but it's been a crazy summer. Glad school started, now I can start planning and have a little bit more structure in my life.

Then I cleared off my sewing table and plugged in my sewing machine . . . . can you believe it? It was only for a few minutes after figuring out that I had it threaded it wrong, sheesh!

I even bought a quilt magazine because I was in line at the grocery store checkout and it said "buy me"!

I also purchased an e-magazine, Simply Handmade SEWING Fall 2012. This issue had a nice article on decorating your sewing space with hand-drawn illustrations or photograph prints with a sewing theme in mind. There was a printable that you can print and hang up on your wall, too. Which I just need to mat and frame it.

Yeah, it was only this morning that I realized that it was National Sewing Month. I'm going to try to sew a little something everyday this month, even if it's for only 10-20 minutes! Now, if I can only blog more often, wonder if I can blog from my phone or ipad .... I would have a better chance.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

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I'm back cross-stitching

  Well, not yet, but real soon because my daughter found a Halloween cross-stitch booklet that I thought I lost forever. So my plans are to ...